Saturday, June 10, 2006

Phentermine Weight Loss – 10 Quick Tips

By Ian Mason

It is well said that health is wealth and to achieve wealth, one has to be slim and trim so that one can perform every task that has been provided with. Here are some of the tips that will help you to achieve your goal to become healthier. These are only guidelines and before working on the provided tips, it is better to have advice from your family doctor. By just thinking on loosing weight, will not work but you have to make up your mind and have to really work hard on the tips provided.

Tip No.1: Setting of a goal to achieve the target.

Chalk out your plan on a piece of paper and place it to such a location where it is always in your sight. First of all, carry out complete physical examination and find out how much weight needs to be reduced. Do not try to shed excess weight in one attempt. Suppose, as per your height, you are 30 kilograms over weight; try to reduce this extra weight in three to four steps. Each step should be of reducing 8 to 10 kilograms. Secondly, fix the time frame for each step. As the process of loosing weight is of a long-term nature, do not get discouraged if you have not achieved the target in the first step. In case you have reduced only five kilograms of weight instead of eight Kilograms, which is fine. Do not stop exercising; carry on the process as per the schedule. You can achieve your set goal in prescribed time frame; some times you may have to work for a longer duration.

Tip No.2: Working with a group

It is always better to carry out exercises in groups so that your friends and other aspirants can help you in your difficulties. Most of the time, working out alone is quite boring, so working out in a team will help you in achieving your set goal. Here, your friends can help you with proper guidance and will encourage you whenever you are not getting positive results.

Tip No.3: Working out schedule

It is not necessary that you carry out exercise for a longer duration. Half an hour of workout every day is sufficient but it should be maintained and do not take long breaks during the exercises. Try to improve upon your endurance, capacity slowly and steadily. Workout with weights will help you build muscles.

Tip No.4: Consume more quantity of Water

More water intake will help you in endurance. By any means, avoid consuming soda and liquor that will harm your health and deviate from your goal.

Tip No.5: Balanced diet

Always strict to balanced food and avoid taking junk food such as bakery products, pastas and fast food. Carbohydrate stuffs need to be eliminated from your list. Your food should contain cereals and wheat products.

Tip No.6: Opt for Boiled Food rather than fried food

Your meals should be boiled properly because that will minimize the fats and will help you in losing your weight. Another best option is to opt for grilled fish.

Tip No.7: Strict to meal timings

Following proper food timing will help you in maintaining your appetite. Avoid taking food during odd hours. Do not change your food timing frequently. Do not work out with empty stomach.

Tip No.8: Stop Over-eating

Eat only that much quantity which is required and do not overeat that will add to your weight. Oily stuffs will always tempt you for overeating but have control on your desires then only you will get success in your set goal.

Tip No.9: Fresh fruits and Vegetables

After taking your food, always have some kind of fresh fruit. These fruits would provide various vitamins required by your body. Vegetables should be a part of every day food. That would provide iron and the vitamins.

Tip No.10: Positive frame of mind

Always think positively and do not get discouraged whenever you fail to achieve the target. Will power is the only key that will lead you to set goal. Everything is possible as it is said that “Where there is a will, there is a way”.

Learn more about Phentermine and how it can be part of your weight loss toolbox at This site offers discussion forums, a weight loss support group, weight loss tips, and much more - all for free!

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Friday, June 09, 2006

How to Properly Plan for Successful Weight Los

By Jim O'Neill

Before taking actions in any problem we encounter, there should always be a plan first. That is, if we want to come up with positive results. You wouldn't want to enter a battle without preparing how to defeat the enemy, would you? Attempting a task without planning is like building a house without a blueprint or playing against a basketball team without planed plays with your teammates. How could you expect a good outcome?

Weight loss is not at all different from the above mentioned plan-necessary situations. It also involves taking actions in proper ways that need to be perfectly planned in order to bring satisfying results. Here are the four key elements you will for making your weight loss plan a success.

Setting a Goal:

Okay, so your weight is somewhere around 20% above the considered normal for your height. You tend to eat more than 5 regular meals a day. You're certain that you're obese or at least overweight. Now, the question is, where do you want your weight to be?
Setting a goal is the first step in planning for weight loss. Know what you want to accomplish. This way, the road you are taking is clear. You can keep track of your journey and whether or not you are going along in the right direction. With a goal in mind, you are always motivated to finish a task, or in some cases, to start doing it.

Be Definite:

Setting a specific goal when planning for weight loss improves your chances of success. You just need to be clear and definite with what you want to happen. Vague aims such as 'I'd like to be healthier' or 'I need to lose a few pounds' tend to produce half-hearted efforts and poor results. Instead, state your goal distinctly: 'I want to lose 1 to 2 pounds this week and every week' or 'I want to trim my waist line from 40" down to 38" by the end of the month'. If you need to, write it down and put it where you will always see and read it. This way, you'll always be reminded of what you want and need to accomplish by the end of the month, the week or even the day.

Be Realistic:

In establishing a definite weight loss goal, make sure that it is possible to accomplish first. How can a goal like 'I'll lose 15 lbs. in just a week' happen if all of the evidence presented by research suggests that you should only burn 1 to 2 lbs in a week? Goals need to be sensible so that they are within reason to be able to obtain. What happens when you set a goal and don't reach it no matter how hard you tried because it wasn't really achievable? You will only get depressed and disappointed which are two of the psychological causes of obesity. And the problem just becomes a vicious cycle with no end to it.


After carefully defining a goal of what you want to achieve with your weight loss efforts and keeping it in mind, the next step is planning on how to accomplish it. Planning involves proper scheduling of activities to be done throughout the whole day for a certain period of time including exercises, meals, sleeping and waking. It comprises of the time these activities should be done, the duration and in the case of eating meals, the food to be consumed and what amounts. This way, inappropriate spur-of-the-moments decisions can be avoided.

A proper and effective weight loss plan consists of quality time for performing such activities. That is, allow enough time to meet the objectives correctly. For example, sleep should be scheduled to last for around 7 to 8 hours a day so that you'll be able to get enough rest. Lack of sleep may cause improper eating habits the next day.Again, plans should be relatively realistic. Include only time and activities you know for yourself you can accomplish for a given period of time.

Also, as you finish preparing your weight loss plan, you might want to write it down since you can't always remember when you're supposed to do each part of the plan. Post it in a place where you can always see and read it to remind you what your plans are for the day. Try your best not to skip anything in your scheduled plan so as not to ruin the effectivness of it.

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at:

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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Quick Weight Loss with Phentermine

Losing weight is a dream come true for overweight people. I too used to be fatty earlier, but everything changed when my doctor told me about Phentermine. That was a turning point of my life. Now, I too enjoy life to the fullest like others, thanks to Phentermine.

Phentermine is a weight loss drug that helps obese people in losing weight within a small span of time. Phentermine diet pills are also known as “anorectic drugs”. It is difficult to control one’s appetite which is found to be one of the reasons behind weight gain. But this is what phentermine help you in by playing the role of appetite suppressant.

Different weight loss drug work differently. It is available in different colors in tablets as well as capsule form. Phentermine diet pills are available in three strengths namely Phentermine 15mg, Phentermine 30mg as well as Phentermine 37.5mg.

Combine the intake of Phentermine diet pills with healthy nutritious diet and regular exercise to get the best results out of Phentermine diet pills. Just take few minutes out of your daily busy schedule to do some exercise and taking regular dose of Phentermine will work wonders for you, helping you in losing weight quickly.

Phentermine diet pills come in two forms - immediate release pill and time-release capsules. Immediate release pill works by entering into the blood stream as soon as one takes them. While on the other hand, time-release capsules release the medication into one’s body over an extended period of time, which lasts for about 8 to 12 hours.

Consult your doctor before taking Phentermine. Follow the prescription that he tells you otherwise you may have to face its adverse effect. In case you miss a dose, don’t panic, resume the dose as prescribed for the rest of the day, and never take an overdose as it may affect leave negative impacts.

Internet has opened up a new avenue. Now, you can buy phentermine online. More and more pharmacists are going online to give complete convenience to the buyer. Phentermine diet pills seeker now just needs to fill an online form and can get a faster access to their desired amount. Important feature of online pharmacies is that they offer you cheap phentermine diet pill saving your hard earned money. But to get the best one, you need to a bit of hardship. Collect catalogue of different suppliers of phentermine and choose the one that fits your need and budget to the best.

Weight loss may seem impossible to you. But, for quick weight loss phentermine diet pills will work as an effective alternative. Shop around and look for the dealer who can offer you cheap phentermine helping you lose those extra pounds of weight without spending much pounds out of your pocket.

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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Easy Dieting Tips and Tricks

What can you do to loose weight? There are some simple ideas to help you. You know what they are but try practicing these simple and effective ideas to lose weight and stay slim.

Eat Breakfast. Skipping this meal may cause you to overeat later in the day. If you do have a piece of toast, skip the butter. You’ll be better off to have preserves on it than high fat butter or margarine.

Don’t let your caloric intake drop below 1200 calories a day. This is a minimal number your body needs to function. When you do this, your metabolism slows and so do you. Your body actually starts to shut down as it thinks you are starving. I use to do this. I was tired all the time. It wasn’t worth it.

Writing a food journal can help you establish if you are eating for hunger or to an emotional or social response. It also helps you trace back to see if any foods have made you ill or you have an adverse reaction to some foods.

High fiber foods are not only good for you, but they give you a full feeling. Try to find foods with at least 2 grams of fiber per serving. Whole grains and bread aren’t the devil. When choosing bread, a high fiber choice may keep you from overindulging.

Trans fats are bad. Check the labels. Watch out for “partially hydrogenated oils.” This also goes for when you eat out. Ask for your salad dressingon the side. A loaded salad can easily have your entire calorie allotment for one day.

Eat Slowly. It takes your stomach 20 minutes to feel full. Don’t drink calories. Instead of soda, order water or unsweetened tea. I know, but after a while, you get used to it. Besides, it’s cheaper to drink water in most restaurants.

I hope these basic tips and ideas will get you back on the path not only to healthy eating, but possible weight loss.

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Bike Riding for Weight Loss: Tips for Beginning A Bicycling Plan

If you are one of those people who leisurely pedal around the block or over a flat stretch of scenic road, you’ve probably been riding for sheer pleasure. Riding bikes for pleasure is a good form of aerobic exercise. But unless you map out a plan to “push yourself,” you probably won’t lose much weight.

I really get sick of hearing people say, “No pain, no gain!” But the old adage is true when it comes to riding bikes to lose weight. By pushing your cycling distance or speed, you are sure to feel some pain in your leg muscles, your hands, wrists, and your derriere-- even some pain in your throat and lungs as your body tries to accommodate your increased demand for oxygen.

HEALTH TIP: Stretching exercises prior to exercising are helpful in preventing injury!


Your first concern will be outfitting your bicycle. If you need an excuse to purchase a new bike, this is an excellent opportunity! I went from a 3-speed bicycle for leisure riding, to a 24-speed bicycle for more committed exercising. Once I learned how the different gears worked, I was very thankful for the extra speeds. They make my ride faster and the hills a lot easier to handle.

We’ve found the guys at the bicycle shop to be very helpful, and concerned for our unique cycling needs. Rather than simply steering us toward the most expensive bicycle available (as I had expected), they asked how much riding we would be doing, whether we were trying for speed or leisure, and whether we would be riding on paved roads or dirt trails. When you honestly share your goals and level of experience, the sales clerks can match you with exactly what you need. They want you to be successful in your biking venture!

Some state laws require bicycle lights. But if you will be riding anytime from dusk to dawn, common sense demands that you have lights on your bicycle. These little accessories are battery-operated and last a long time. There are a variety of lights to choose from. My tail light has different blinking speeds, and is designed to make my bike visible to cars approaching from both the rear and the sides. Check for brightness before you buy one. Install the light where it makes the most sense.

We held off on buying a speedometer and odometer unit for our bikes, but once we got serious about losing weight and getting in shape, this feature became a “must have.” You simply cannot track your progress without knowing how far and how fast you’re riding.

If you already have a bicycle, take it to the bike shop for a safety inspection each season. They should check the gears, tires and brakes to make sure everything is working properly. They can adjust your seat to fit your height and adjust the handlebars to fit your reach, making your ride more comfortable. If you’re lucky, they might even clean and polish your bike!

If you want to save money in the long run, you can find books and videos that teach you how to care for your own bicycle. It’s always a great idea to know how to change your own flat tire and adjust a loose chain.

Another must have is a bicycle pump. Ask your bike dealer how many pounds of air pressure to put in your bicycle tires. Check the tires each time you get ready to ride! We guessed at the air pressure one summer day, and lived to regret it. We rode the bikes to the swimming pool, not realizing that one tire was too full. While we were cooling off in the water, the hot sun was rapidly expanding the air in the tires–one tire blew as it sat in the parking lot. The day in the sun was not so fun, once the pool closed and we had to wait for a truck to haul us home!

HEALTH TIP: Talk with your doctor first, and get his or her blessing before you increase your rate of physical activity!


Sitting for long periods of time on a bicycle seat can cause pain, discomfort, and even serious blood circulation problems in avid bicyclists. At your local bike shop, you’ll find a variety of bicycle seats made specifically for your comfort and health. The salespeople at our local bike shop encouraged us to try out new seats on our bikes for a few days. My husband found the split seat to be more comfortable for himself, while I opted to keep my old gel seat. Someone has even invented seats that look more like a bird perch than a bicycle seat!

HEALTH TIP: Get off your bicycle seat and walk around every 25 minutes or so to get the blood flow to important unmentionable parts of your body.

Think about your don’t have to have padded biker shorts and special clothing to start riding bikes. There are actually scientifically engineered fabrics designed to pull sweat away from your body in the summer and to keep you from getting hypothermia in the winter. But for now, just wear layers of comfortable sports clothes.

Make sure your clothes aren’t so tight that you are miserable trying to pedal. But they shouldn’t be loose enough to become entangled in the bicycle chain, either! If you become overheated, strip off a layer. If you get cold, add a layer. Wear light or bright colors to allow drivers to see you easily.

It really helps to have a small cargo rack on the back of your bike. Mine looks like a little shelf over the back tire. It has two bungee cords to keep any cargo securely fastened to the bike. I’ve used it to tote a small picnic cooler, a shopping bag or extra clothes.

I had the bike shop attach a water bottle holder to the bike under my seat. I can grab a quick swig as I ride or pour some water over my pulse points to cool off a bit. Take small sips of water when needed during your bike ride, rather than chugging huge gulps.

A helmet is almost a must. Life is filled with hazards–and biking has its share. Be smart. Wear a helmet. You can buy a cool rear-view mirror for your helmet. The mirror helps you see when it’s safe to turn and lets you observe traffic coming up from behind.

I recommend wearing sunglasses–both for the sun and for bugs! At certain times of the year, the air is thick with flying insects. Getting a tiny bug in your eye is a painful event. For contact wearers, carry a contact case and lens cleaner on bike rides for just that reason. Some day you’ll be glad you did!

HEALTH TIP: Shake your hands downward frequently to get the blood flowing and to prevent pain or numbness in your arms and hands.


You will want to keep a record of your daily diet and food intake, your weekly body measurements and weight, as well as your bicycling miles and time.

The WORKOUTWARE Personal Training Workstation software (see the Home Fitness page at for your personal computer is an excellent way to track your progress. It is very easy to use–simply type in your information you wish to track. As the only software of its kind, you’ll find it to be a fantastic motivation tool that will print out charts and graphs to show how much progress you’ve made in a few days, a week, or a month!

It keeps track of your food, vitamin, and supplement intake. Thousands of foods have already been analyzed by experts for number of calories, fat, carbs, and protein. You simply select the foods you ate from a pull down feature, and the daily total is tallied for you. Make sure you don’t exercise when you’ve just eaten, or when it’s almost meal time. Both times will slow you down.

No matter how humiliating it is, measure your arms, legs, chest, waist, neck, hips and thighs once a week. The software keeps track of your weight and body measurements. The thrill of seeing those same inches melt away in the coming weeks will be worth the effort. It’s especially impressive seen as a graph!

Consider investing in an instrument that actually measures body fat–there are inexpensive pincer-type instruments that measure fat by pinching you, or buy a set of bathroom scales that cost more but calculate body fat quite painlessly.

Try to ride 4-6 days per week. When you map out your weight loss plan, your short-term goals will change as you change. You’ll quickly develop stamina for longer distance. As fat turns to muscle, your speed will increase. Each week, try to increase either your mileage or your speed.

You know how far you’ve been able to ride, thus far. Start keeping track of the exact route you are taking, the total mileage, and the length of time it took you. Make notes in your records for special circumstances. Did it get dark outside so you were forced to cut your ride short? Did the road crews dump a layer of gravel on your normally paved road?

What was the weather like? Was it dangerously hot? Was it windy? The wind can be your friend or your enemy. When the wind is behind you, your ride is a breeze...but coming from any other direction, be prepared to huff and puff. Accept any length of time as a job well done and simply get the ride accomplished!

Finally, add an upper body workout three times per week. Bicycling works your legs, but to get the rest of your body firm and trim, you’ll need to exercise your upper body, as well. The WORKOUTWARE Personal Training Workstation software, created by a certified personal fitness trainer, has excellent features which allow you to design and track this portion of your fitness program, as well.

Bicycle riding is a fun, inexpensive form of aerobic exercise–it’s good for every part of you. But be warned–you will need to buy a whole new wardrobe for the thinner, more beautifully fit body that emerges!

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Monday, June 05, 2006

Exercise - A Must For Weight Loss

Weight loss is essential for people who are overweight, otherwise it would lead to various health hazards. Exercise is a must for people of all age groups in order to stay fit and healthy. Eating a fatless diet does not necessarily cut weight. One must maintain a balance between the intake of food and calories burnt per day. Regular exercise for a few minutes everyday gives better results in the long run, as compared to dieting.

Aerobic Exercise for weight loss.

Aerobic exercise is the best form of exercise for weight loss. This form of exercise drastically reduces weight without the need to compromise on your nutritional food. Aerobics stimulate the metabolic rate and make the body burn fat. Dieting can lead to only loss of muscle and fat, but aerobics cause burning of fat and building of muscle as well. Since muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, the results from aerobics is long-lasting.

The two types of Aerobic exercises that we see are high impact and low impact aerobics. Alternating between high impact and low impact exercises is advised as it helps in reducing the overuse of muscles and prevention of any kind of injury to them. Walking and aerobic dance are low impact aerobic exercises while some good aerobic activities are rowing, swimming and cycling.

Beginners must start with 15 minutes of low impact aerobics three times a week. Gradually increase to 30 minutes and four times a week. Before exercising, a warm up and after the session a cool down are a must. About 20 -30 minutes of regular workout three times a week is very helpful for your heart. Heart is strengthened and it will be able to pump oxygen-rich blood to the various parts of your body. Life is prolonged and youthful appearance is maintained by regular exercise.

Strength Training for weight loss.

Strength training is an important form of exercise for weight loss. It is good for any age group. Weight lifting and resistance exercises performed twice a week helps in building muscle mass. A combination of aerobics and strength training is the best form of fitness regimen. These exercises help in strengthening the heart and lungs and also increase the muscle mass. Weight loss increases by 56% with weight training and aerobics combination.

Building muscle mass with these exercises helps in fighting body ailments. Lifting weights tones and firms muscles. Using moderate weights dose not result in huge muscle mass, but it increases the body metabolism, firms the body and gives a slim look. Aerobic exercises can enhance your heart beat rate and breathing. This causes the heart to work harder and pump oxygenated blood to the various body parts more efficiently. Thus the danger of cholesterol blocks and blood clots in the arteries of the heart is reduced.

Work Out Methods for weight loss.

According to your interest and physical condition, you can choose from bicycling, aerobics, swimming, brisk walking and steps for weight loss. Alternating between them gives you better results.

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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Your Eating Habits Hold The Key To Your Success

You can help yourself to lose weight, just by making a few changes in the way you eat, how much and when?

· The scales may, if you let them, become your master. Checking your weight everyday for example can be negative.

You may find the scales show the same weight day after day. So you think your dieting is not working and you give up.

What you have to realise, is that you may be losing fat but gaining muscle. And as muscle is heavy, your weight won’t go down.

Your tape-measure used once a week, should give you a more accurate assessment of your weight loss than the lying scales.

· Food you pile on to your plate is important. Even if it is a plate of good, healthy, nourishing food, too much is too much.

Also, eat slowly, chewing every mouthful. It is better for your digestion and definitely for your waistline. Eating slowly kids your body to believe it is full much sooner.

· Avoid fried foods. Steamed vegetables will keep all the vitamins and minerals in them. The idea is to use as little water as possible. This way, you won’t throw the vitamins away when you drain the water off your vegetables.

· Movement as in exercise will help to burn the calories. So, if you are a couch potato, start doing gentle exercises every day. A little is always better than nothing. Your war cry should be – move it and lose it.

· When you go shopping, remember you can only eat that cream cake if you firstly buy it. Don’t tempt yourself.

· Socially, if this means going out and eating meals at restaurants you are not doing yourself any favours. If your friends talk you into bingeing, maybe it’s time to find some new friends.

However, if you still want to keep your friends and eat out, go for grilled meat and salads. Your body will thank you.

· If you are inclined to eat when you are unhappy or lonely, sometimes called comfort eating, you will eat more than you should.

Remember food is for fuel. To keep your body working as it should. Don’t treat food as a friend. It’s just an evil necessity.

· Being bored can also cause you to binge eat. If you are bored because you have nothing to do, maybe doing some voluntary work, will take your mind off your tummy.

· Daydream your way to weight loss. Keep telling yourself you are slim and attractive. Imagine it. See yourself wearing clothes you may not have worn for some time. Your subconscious mind has no mind of its own. It just believes everything the conscious mind tells it.

· Don’t fill your plate with food. Use a smaller plate. Even if you fill the smaller plate, you will soon be losing weight because you are having smaller portions.

Just putting one or two of the above tactics into use, you will notice a difference in your weight loss programme.

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