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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #47

I’m always so in awe of the synchronicity of things. When we let things happen as God intended and not try to put our energy on the outcome or how things are “supposed” to show up, we let the Universe do its wonderful job in providing all the things to move us forward with our mission here on earth. We then have signs that illustrate that everything is aligned as it should be.

This past week I attended an Emmanuel Apostolic Church and what an experience I had. For several years now, I had felt a pull towards this church but didn’t know why. I kept thinking I have to visit this church, but then never took the action steps toward attending it.

Let me tell you about my experience. Upon arriving as a new person, I am greeted with such a warmth and love that it filled me with tears. I am then given a program and I notice the picture of the Eagle which is on the program. I asked the pastor’s wife if the Eagle is always on the cover of the program and she said, “No, we change it every week.” I open the program and it illustrates their celebration of Black History Month and the topic for that day was “health.” I said a little prayer to God thanking Him for guiding me here.

What does all this mean?

The Eagle is my guide and has a huge significance for me. I’ve written about the Eagle in my book, Wake Up…Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. Within the past week I was visiting a friend and there were two Eagles in their nest just outside her house. On the way home, I saw two Eagles flying within a few miles of each other. I then drive up my street and my neighbor had her binoculars out looking at the tree by our respective houses with an Eagle sitting in the nest. Incredible, right?

As I listened to the speakers at the church, there was no doubt in my mind why I was there. The speakers discussed health and the illnesses that plague African Americans disproportionately as compared to other ethnic groups. The statistics they quoted were quite alarming. They mentioned heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. The speakers told the congregation that lifestyle changes are necessary in order to become intentional in creating vibrant health.

You can imagine how I was feeling at this time and why I was there. For years, I’ve visualized me speaking to the masses about health. Here was an opportunity to help this group overcome their adverse statistics and paint a different picture for them.

I like the phrase, “Go BIG, or go home!”

I did meet with the pastor and told him my intent and how I was going to help his congregation. He looked at me in awe when I presented him with this information as he mentioned that prior to our meeting he spoke with three of his parishioners expressing the need for better nutrition and health. Synchronicity? Absolutely!

Do I know all the details of how this is going to be accomplished? No, I don’t. I just know that I’m supposed to do it and the resources and the people will show up. I know it!

What does this mean for you?

You have a mission to complete on this earth. When you are out of balance with your health, you’re so focused on not feeling good that it distracts you from your God-given assignment. You must become intentional about your health.

I remember what I wrote down years ago after reading Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield’s book, Dare to Win. In this book, you are asked to write down your objective in life and here’s what I wrote:

My purpose in life is to empower all people to teach them about health issues to realize they are responsible for their own well-being.

I wrote this down after I had gotten myself well from an illness where I was bedridden. I went through that experience so I would understand what it feels like to have poor health and then to align myself with everything that was going to help me get well. Then years later I gained weight and lost it using all the components of my weight loss program, including the products from Isagenix.

Poor health and being overweight is not where God intends us to be. Let me help guide you to better health. It is possible to feel enthusiasm for life.

Think of me as your sign that is showing up for you. What would it feel like to have support to help you and to know you’re not alone?

Remember what Oprah says, “We don’t do anything by ourselves. We must have support in order to succeed.”

Love and hugs,

Helping you fall in love...with yourself

Tami Close

Weight Loss Consultant

2916 N.W. Bucklin Hill Rd. #291

Silverdale, WA 98383



Tami Close helps people fall in love…with themselves. She is a weight loss consultant and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight balancing program. She is certified in healing modalities (Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques) to assist people in releasing their negative emotions to help them change their behavior. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra, Wake Up...Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. She has also written an e-book, Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss, along with other e-books.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tami_Close