Weight Loss Basics
By Michael Russell
Many people struggle with body image and weight issues at some point in their life. Due to the high number of advertising avenues, fad diets and miracle pills, it is no wonder that most people don't know when or how to approach weight loss. With all of this confusion I think it is time to bring it "back to the basics". The following tips are simple guidelines that you can follow to achieve weight loss and lead a healthier life.
To start any weight loss program you will need to clearly establish and define "realistic" goals. Write down why you want to lose weight, benefits that can result from weight loss and specific changes you are making to your diet. By doing this, you are able to see if the changes you made are contributing towards your weight loss goals. Keep in mind that ½ to 2 pounds of weight loss each week is reasonable.
Before you can reach any goal you have to start somewhere. Start by weighing yourself and creating a food journal for one week. It is important to chart your progress during your weight loss journey. In this food journal keep track of everything you eat and drink as well as how you are feeling at that very moment. This part is crucial because it will reveal eating patterns that may have become habit.
Review your food journal after recording food intake for one week. Look for any patterns in your eating habits and make a commitment to change! For example, you may want to skip the high calorie snacks like brownies or chips and snack on fruits or vegetables instead. If soda is a large contributor to daily caloric intake you may want to switch to diet soda or drink water instead. You should try to drink 6 to 8 cups of water each day; you will find that water is a natural hunger suppressant. The key here is to be consistent and you will see results. Keep in mind that life continually throws obstacles in your way so don't become discouraged if you loose 2 pounds the first week and only 1 pound the second.
Increasing the calories you burn will also aid in weight loss. Start out by taking a walk around the neighborhood and then gradually add intensity. Keep exercise exciting by trying new activities and/or equipment. For example, try swimming as an aerobic exercise instead of walking. Again, you will want to track your exercise activities each day in your weight loss journal.
Setting goals, reducing caloric intake and exercising are the main elements in weight loss. It is also important to eat regularly and not skip meals. When times get tough and you need a little encouragement don't be afraid to ask for support from family and friends. If you need more help or guidance see a dietician or join a weight loss support group. With these tips and a commitment to change you are well on your way to reaching your goals!
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Weight Loss
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Russell
Many people struggle with body image and weight issues at some point in their life. Due to the high number of advertising avenues, fad diets and miracle pills, it is no wonder that most people don't know when or how to approach weight loss. With all of this confusion I think it is time to bring it "back to the basics". The following tips are simple guidelines that you can follow to achieve weight loss and lead a healthier life.
To start any weight loss program you will need to clearly establish and define "realistic" goals. Write down why you want to lose weight, benefits that can result from weight loss and specific changes you are making to your diet. By doing this, you are able to see if the changes you made are contributing towards your weight loss goals. Keep in mind that ½ to 2 pounds of weight loss each week is reasonable.
Before you can reach any goal you have to start somewhere. Start by weighing yourself and creating a food journal for one week. It is important to chart your progress during your weight loss journey. In this food journal keep track of everything you eat and drink as well as how you are feeling at that very moment. This part is crucial because it will reveal eating patterns that may have become habit.
Review your food journal after recording food intake for one week. Look for any patterns in your eating habits and make a commitment to change! For example, you may want to skip the high calorie snacks like brownies or chips and snack on fruits or vegetables instead. If soda is a large contributor to daily caloric intake you may want to switch to diet soda or drink water instead. You should try to drink 6 to 8 cups of water each day; you will find that water is a natural hunger suppressant. The key here is to be consistent and you will see results. Keep in mind that life continually throws obstacles in your way so don't become discouraged if you loose 2 pounds the first week and only 1 pound the second.
Increasing the calories you burn will also aid in weight loss. Start out by taking a walk around the neighborhood and then gradually add intensity. Keep exercise exciting by trying new activities and/or equipment. For example, try swimming as an aerobic exercise instead of walking. Again, you will want to track your exercise activities each day in your weight loss journal.
Setting goals, reducing caloric intake and exercising are the main elements in weight loss. It is also important to eat regularly and not skip meals. When times get tough and you need a little encouragement don't be afraid to ask for support from family and friends. If you need more help or guidance see a dietician or join a weight loss support group. With these tips and a commitment to change you are well on your way to reaching your goals!
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Weight Loss
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Russell
Is your weight getting you down? Are you sick of carrying that extra
baggage wrapped around your waist? Too embarassed to go to the gym?
These questions are the bane of a lot of peoples' lives, because they
either don't exercise! or they don't do it regularly!
This article is a part of a series of articles that i have wriiten on
the benefits of using exercise equipment for your fitness regime. I,
myself am 6ft 1, weigh 80 kilos and have always used fitness equipment
as well as traditional cardio exercises to keep my self healthy and in
good shape.
You can find the rest of the article here:
Not only have i reviewed the very best types of equipment and their
uses but i also am continuously updating my site with reviews of lots
of other equipment that could be useful. To browse through my other
reviews, check here:
I hope you find the information that I have spent the last nearly two
years gathering, useful.
Kalwant rana.
Site Owner.
Posted by
umar |
5:45 AM
Is your weight getting you down? Are you sick of carrying that extra
baggage wrapped around your waist? Too embarassed to go to the gym?
These questions are the bane of a lot of peoples' lives, because they
either don't exercise! or they don't do it regularly!
This article is a part of a series of articles that i have wriiten on
the benefits of using exercise equipment for your fitness regime. I,
myself am 6ft 1, weigh 80 kilos and have always used fitness equipment
as well as traditional cardio exercises to keep my self healthy and in
good shape.
You can find the rest of the article here:
Not only have i reviewed the very best types of equipment and their
uses but i also am continuously updating my site with reviews of lots
of other equipment that could be useful. To browse through my other
reviews, check here:
I hope you find the information that I have spent the last nearly two
years gathering, useful.
Carl rana.
Site Owner.
Posted by
umar |
5:45 AM
Is your weight getting you down? Are you sick of carrying that extra
baggage wrapped around your waist? Too embarassed to go to the gym?
These questions are the bane of a lot of peoples' lives, because they
either don't exercise! or they don't do it regularly!
This article is a part of a series of articles that i have wriiten on
the benefits of using exercise equipment for your fitness regime. I,
myself am 6ft 1, weigh 80 kilos and have always used fitness equipment
as well as traditional cardio exercises to keep my self healthy and in
good shape.
You can find the rest of the article here:
Not only have i reviewed the very best types of equipment and their
uses but i also am continuously updating my site with reviews of lots
of other equipment that could be useful. To browse through my other
reviews, check here:
I hope you find the information that I have spent the last nearly two
years gathering, useful.
Kalwant rana.
Site Owner.
Posted by
umar |
7:29 AM
Get Fit In Your Living Room And Burn Some Serious Calories With An Exercise Bike.
Article Source: www.1st-for-exercise-equipment.com
Amongst the most popular cardiovascular activities, exercise bikes have
to be one of the easiest and most simple pices of exerices equipment
available. Almost everyone can ride a bike but this is even easier! you
dont need to balance, it is all done for you. And recumbent exercise
bikes make life even easier just as cheap exercise bikes save you
The exercise bike offers a non impact cardiovascular workout that is
great for beginners and fitness full timers and is a good form of
exercise to burn serious calories.
According to a national sporting goods association, the sales of home
exercise reached $1.5 billion dollars in 1989. That equipment includes
bikes, rowing machines, stair climbers, Treadmills ski simulators,
weight lifting sets..
Having an exercise bike at home helps you to resist making excuses to
workout, the weather may convince you not to exercise at the gym or go
for a run. Or maybe you haven't exercised for a while and you feel too
self conscious to exercise next to a Greek adonis. No problem..with
your bike firmly planted to your living room floor, exercise is at your
finger tips and anytime is a good time.
Technology has allowed the manufacturers to make the exercise bike
streamlined and exercise equipment more compact for easy storage. The
benefits of having a bike in the home are numerous. the advantages of
walking as a form exercise are well known and have contributed to the
increased sales of exercise equipment for home use among the 45 to 65
age group.
Bikes are no.1 when it comes to most popular home workout machines.
Some models allow you to work your arms as well as your legs and with
the more expensive models you get all sorts of add ons like monitors
that measure your heart and pulse rate and the miles you have covered.
If you suffer from from chronic lower back pain, then you need not
despair, the recumbent bike can help ease some of your pain. Because of
the position you are seated in, it takes away the stress from thelower
back and knees as opposed to an upright bike. So there is a bike to
suit everyones needs.
Not only have i reviewed the very best types of equipment and their
uses but i also am continuously updating my site with reviews of
lots of other equipment that could be useful. To browse through my
other reviews, check here:
>>More Fitness Equipment Reviews
I hope you find the information that I have spent the last nearly
two years gathering, useful.
Kalwant rana.
Site Owner.
Posted by
umar |
8:31 AM
One of the most complete cardiovascular exercises around has to be rowing. A proper workout on a rowing machine will tone all of the major muscle groups such as your legs, back and arms.
The beauty of using a concept 2 rowing machine is first of all it doesn't involve water. This rower doesn't get you wet, there are no early morning trips to get your machine out of the boat shed. No cold changing rooms and gale force winds for your training session.
And there is definately no need to find the nearest river to row your machine on. All you have to do is set it up in an adequately spacious area and away you go. There are lots of different machines available on the market. Although they generally fall into 2 categories:
-Water rowers
-Air rowers
The water rower, which contrary to their namesake, do not end up in you getting wet after a vigorous workout. The machines are very beautifully designed and use enclosed water and paddles for resistance as opposed to air. These rowers tend to be quieter than air rowers and are just as much works of art as they are exercise machines.
Then we have the concept 2 air rower. There are many other brands available but this piece of machinery is commonly accepted to be one of the best, if not the best. They are engineering masterpieces and are all calibrated to the same standard. So, if you do a certain time on a concept 2 rower, you can rest assured that, that time will be replicated exactly on another concept 2 machine. This is the reason why the world indoor rowing championships use the concept 2.
The information that the display monitors show on the concept 2 is extensive, with the new monitors even being able to be plugged into a PC, so you can race with other rowers from all around the world.
Not only have i reviewed the very best types of equipment and their uses but i also am continuously updating my site with reviews of lots of other equipment that could be useful. To browse through my other reviews, check here:
>>More Fitness Equipment Reviews.
Posted by
umar |
5:21 AM